Eternia.Cafe... or is it Infinita.Cafe?

You know, I bought the domain without checking to see if was available. And guess what, it was. So I bought that too because I like it better. And now I'm out a hundred bucks for this silly website for which I have no real ideas or plans. Cool!

I've used the name "Hadley" in Masters of the Universe and various toy communities for 25 years or more, so I guess it's too late to change now. If you were on the He-Man.Org message board, you may have seen my "Hadleyverse" custom characters thread. I set up this site as a place to put my custom figures.

The fun thing about MOTU is that everyone creates their own canon, because there is no main ur-canon. I've had stories in my head for years that I've never written or at most exist as an outline. For my version here, I'm going to use the terms "Eterniverse" and "Infiniverse", after the twin, opposite worlds of Eternia and Infinita (this itself being an element of my version).

Eterniverse will be my main canon, while Infiniverse will be other stuff that doesn't fit the larger continuity. You'll note that there's a meta section where I'll post diegetic stories about my 'verses. Character profiles, fact files, junk like that. Anything I write will go on the main fanfic sites of course, but it's nice to also just have a place of my own, you know?

Now, this all presumes I'm actually going to do anything with this. Nobody goes to websites anymore, and definitely nobody makes websites anymore. So I imagine this thing will have analytics in the single digits. And that's cool, those 7 people that come here will be the right 7 people, dang it.

copyright 1980-2024 hadley. all rights reserved. all reservations cancelled.